The new year!
“It will be what you make of it” mum used to predict each year. We all rolled our eyes (my father, sister, auntie and myself) and hoped NOT to make a muck of the year.
January 1, 2025 is compelling because it is the first day of a new year AND because 2025 is a perfect square. Its square root is 45, meaning it can be written as the product of an integer multiplied by itself (45 x 45 = 2025. Works nicely. But we will be dealing with a tricky year.
We toasted just at midnight, with my port and Ken with his eggnog, to the New Year. I gave out a yahoo on the porch and woke my neighbor’s hunting dogs that were snoozing across the river because all of them howling in response.
Traditional oatmeal bread was made earlier, sliced, and put out on a plate to remember the families ; Irish, English, German.
My sister and I, as kids, were allowed a small glass of Sandman’s port. What a treat!(those were the days)
.. Bed.
What the new year promises is weather that is NOT too frigid or even very chilly! Sounds unusual-but OK. I’ll beat the weeds at their own game of first up in the garden. Digging up the soil will be easy; keeping it clear till spring will be the challenge. My extensive plans for planting might well become mucked but I have the numbers on my side and a positive outlook. Right?
Let’s get onto it then! I wish you the best beginning of the year. Out with the old-in with the new!
